I am incredibly honored, excited, and humbled to have been featured on the Daughters of Change podcast! This inspiring podcast celebrates the stories of women and girls who are creating change in their own unique way. It’s an incredible honor to be considered one of the Daughters of Change. I look forward to sharing my story with even more people.
Marie Solo, the incredible host behind the podcast, explores different aspects of life that are important to young women and girls today. She interviews inspiring individuals from all walks of life who have created positive change in their communities and beyond. Her conversations range from topics such as leadership, resilience, self-care, education, career paths, relationships, and more. Each episode is designed to motivate and empower women and girls who strive for success in any field.
Let Go and Let the Magic Happen
As a guest on the Daughters of Change podcast series, I was given the opportunity to share my story about the twists and turns that brought me to where I am today, my love of exploration, the impact of visual storytelling, and what I’ve learned on my adventures. It was a great experience that allowed me to reflect on my journey so far and how it could potentially help others going through similar experiences. My hope is that by sharing my story, folks will be inspired by my journey and feel empowered to create their own paths toward success.
The Daughters of Change Podcast
The possibilities are endless when it comes to making a difference in our world. Every day presents new opportunities for us all to make a positive impact – big or small – wherever we can find them. That’s why I’m so proud to be featured as one of the Daughters of Change! Take some time out of your day today and listen in at daughtersofchangepodcast.com or read through the transcripts here! You won’t regret it! And thank you so much, Marie Solo for having me!